Ngorongoro Wildlife Protection Marathon

This has never been done before – The FIRST TIME EVER in Ngorongoro Conservation Area.
Come and join!

  • WHAT IS IT: Ngorongoro Half Marathon
  • WHEN: Originally planned December 2023 ⇒ Postponed to February 2024.
  • WHERE: East Africa – Tanzania, Ngorongoro Conservation Area and the Cradle of Humankind, next to the Ngorongoro Crater
  • WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: Anyone interested in people, the environment and their protection. And of course anyone who enjoys an exiting run!
  • WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT: This Marathon serves as fundraising to finance measures that enable and promote the peaceful coexistence of people and wildlife. Only together with the people can we protect and preserve the unique nature and wildlife in Africa.
  • THE MISSION: Training 1.000 Rangers as FIRST-RESPONDERS ELEPHANT- RESCUE, within one year, and helping them to gain knowledge and pass that knowledge on!

In the biodiversity hotspot areas of our planet, in addition to many invaluable animal species, humans also live alongside. This often leads to human-wildlife conflicts and various problems with which humans and animals are confronted on a daily basis.

The region around the Ngorongoro Crater (World Natural and Cultural Heritage) in Tanzania is a sensitive area in every respect. Due to heavy encroachment of farmland, wildlife habitat is becoming increasingly restricted and important migration corridors are being disrupted.

Wild animals, often elephants, try to follow the centuries-old migration routes and involuntarily come up against humans; often with heavy casualties on both sides.

In order to draw attention to this conflict, to educate people both on and off-site and to develop solution strategies, we as Kilimanjaro Animal CREW would like to organize the “Ngorongoro Wildlife Protection Marathon”. 

The aim is to raise awareness among the public and other participants, of the circumstances under which game keepers try, every day, to protect the wildlife that they hold dear to their hearts – so that future generations can continue to experience this incredible environment.

Day 1: We aim to invite 2000 sponsered “Tribal Runners”. These are local people who live in close vicinity towildlife, facing challenges every day. 

Elephants, buffalo and predators and humans and their livestock inhabit the same areas. The proliferation of residential and farmland is increasingly restricting wildlife habitat and disrupting important migration corridors. Wildlife attempts to follow centuries-old migration routes and involuntarily bump into humans, often resulting in serious casualties on both sides. 

At the event, these 2000 runners will receive initial education on ways to avoid conflict and how peaceful coexistence can be possible. They are expected to return to their villages as ambassadors and continue to receive training and mentoring. The goal is to educate as much as possible across the country, which will promote and ensure Human-Wildlife Coexistence.

Day 2: For a 10km Ranger Challenge Run we wish to invite 2000 sponsored Rangers who have qualified in the Africa-wide Ranger Challenge. 

In a virtual half marathon of the Africa-wide Ranger Challenge, the rangers run in full uniform and with a 22kg backpack on their backs. They will do the same on this 10km Ranger Challenge Run, and any runners who feel fit and strong enough can sign up for the same programme and compete against the Rangers under the same conditions. 

The goal is to raise awareness among the participants and the public about the circumstances under which rangers work to protect the wildlife they are entrusted with – so that future generations can still experience this incredible environment.


Fundraising 11,000$: We need YOU to help us with fundraising. We need many donations to enable as many local people as possible to spend this day with sports, fun, adventure and above all education for a harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife. Convince as many people as possible of our good idea.

If you can collect 11.000$ donations, we invite you to attend this event for free. Then you can see for yourself how many people we could help on this day to find a new way to a harmonious human-wildlife coexistence. We will take care of all transfers, accommodation and your physical well-being, your participation in the marathon and the opportunity to join a 2 day safari. We are also happy to help you with the booking and organization of your further travel.

155$ for a runner

Most local runners, as well as rangers, cannot fund their own travel to the event, participation in the event, or lodging at the venue. All these costs can be covered with an amount of 155$ per runner!

Please help by donating to enable as many people as possible to participate in the event, because this is the only way to make our vision come true. We need to work with the people in Tanzania; we need education; we need guidance and we need your donation to make this happen.

Sponsorship – monetary donations, goods and services.

The coexistence of people and wildlife is a benefit for all of us – not only for private people, but also for companies producing goods and services. At the end of the marathon there will be a festival, which will attract many people. We hope to arouse interest in companies to support us, thereby expanding their brandawareness and extending their business to new and existing customers. We appreciate and accept both, monetary and in-kind donations.

Please donate now – every little counts! We have made it easy for you ⇒ Several options can be found under the online links Donorbox and gofundme.

Or transfer your donation to our non-profit organization to the following account: 

Name: Kilimanjaro Animal Center for Rescue, Education and Wildlife

Postal Address; P.O.Box 203, Moshi, 

Account number Tanzanian Shilling: 9120002879512

Account number USD: 9120002879989

Bank: Stanbic Bank, Moshi Branch, Swift/BIC: SBICTZTX

or scan the QR code: